
be who you are

The #NoFilterNeeded Campaign was a month-long campaign that launched at our first Birthday party! It tied in with the theme of Mental Health Awareness Week 2019, Body Image. Before the campaign launched, we collected statistics from a high school in Dundee where they shared how social media impacted them:

The purpose of #NoFilterNeeded was to focus on body positivity, the impact of edited images on social media and tackling body dysmorphia. During the campaign, staff and volunteers uploaded a photo of themselves on Feeling Strong’s social media platforms where they gave an insight about their day as well as their thoughts. As well as doing stuff on social media, they also visited high schools in Dundee and presented 12 workshops which had tasks where pupils had to identify alterations on photoshop, drawing themselves and writing what they liked about themselves.

We delivered our workshops to over 400 pupils in Dundee, and here’s what they had to say: