ASIST Suicide First Aid Training
We mean it when we say that ASIST is for everyone. At Feeling Strong we believe that when young people receive the correct intervention and support for their Mental Health & Wellbeing, they can reach their full potential. The first starting point for this is ensuring the community is a safe one where people have the relevant skills and knowledge to assist in the development of positive mental health and wellbeing.
LivingWorks ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) is a two-day comprehensive workshop in suicide first aid which aims to create suicide safer communities by training individuals to:
Recognise the signs of suicide and ask about it
Provide a skilled intervention in accordance with the devised framework
Develop a safety plan to help keep someone alive
Virtually anyone aged 16 and older can learn the skills to intervene and save a life from suicide. Professionals as well as members of the community at large have all found great value in ASIST over the years - and through our Pay It Forward Scheme which allows a young person to receive the training free of charge. This means we all get the chance to get together to make suicide-safer communities!
Interested? Contact us to find out when our next round of training will take place or to add your name to our interest list!